
Contact Us

IQR International

Rancho Mission Viejo

California 92675 USA


Phone: 949-887-2940



Technical Support:


Phone: 425-445-3000


Remote Demo and IQR Inventory Analysis


You and your colleagues can see the details of this inventory management technique and the benefits of IQR software with a remote demo over the internet.  If you like, we can do the demo with your part numbers and inventory dollars.  This will:


         ·  Provide you with a comprehensive analysis of your inventories,

         ·  Likely point out immediate opportunities for significant savings, and

         ·  Demonstrate the benefits of using IQR along with your current system.


You really have to see the IQR logic with your inventories to appreciate what it can help you do.  We have interface programs already available for most MRP and ERP systems.


For more information about IQR software, our remote demo, or a free analysis of your inventories, contact us.